
Pensacola Maker Faire center will be the new Museum Park located at the intersection of S. Tarragona Street and Zaragoza Streets. The Maker Faire exhibits, speakers and demonstrations will take place at various venues across the Seville Historic District in Downtown Pensacola, including The Museum of Commerce, Sea3D Lab, Museum Plaza Park on Tarragona Street, Voices of Pensacola and the J. Earle Bowden Building.

Conveniently located in Downtown Pensacola just minutes from the Pensacola International Airport.
The address for directions/maps is The Museum of Commerce, 201 Zaragoza Street, Pensacola, FL 32502.

Street parking is available around the festival site. Three public parking garages are located within blocks of the event site. 1. At 100 block of S. Baylen Street, 2. Corner of Jefferson St and Intendencia Street and 3. The Jefferson Street Parking Garage are all within a short walk.

UBER and Lyft also operate in Pensacola. Passenger drop off is at the corner of Government Street and S. Tarragona Street.